Genos Emotional Culture Index

Positive feelings at work have a ‘broaden and build’ effect, causing us to think more broadly, engage more deeply and perform better. Negative emotions have a ‘narrow and limiting’ effect, causing us to be more closed-minded, less engaging and poorer at performing. At a collective level, emotions impact the bottom line. Organizations where people feel, on average, valued, cared for, consulted, informed and understood financially outperform organizations where people feel, on average, stressed, worried, frustrated, concerned, confused and dismayed. In other words, in high performing organizations, employees are experiencing more positive emotions and fewer negative emotions than those in low performing organizations.
Use the Genos Emotional Culture Index to easily measure the emotional landscape of your workplace. Then make informed decisions about how to improve it.
What is the Genos Emotional Culture Index?
What does the ECI measure?
Use Cases for the ECI

As a tool to measure how staff is feeling: Since this has an impact on how staff performs, discovering how they are feeling is critical.

As a tool to define action steps for staff development: The ECI provides a needs analysis for actions to enhance workplace culture, workplace performance, leadership, collaboration and engagement.

As a tool before and after assessments and development programs: Measure how staff is feeling before commencing assessments, action plans and development programs - and then conducting the ECI afterward to see changes.